He’s staring at me
The man from the movie poster
And the lights are shining through my eyes
Mischief. Mayhem. Soap
It reads me like the caution label
On this bottle of Asprin
No matter where I go his eyes are there
And they are almost like yours
Filled with haunting sighs of relief
Mischief. Mayhem. Soap
It speaks to me like the words
Of my kindergarten play
Even between closed eyes, I vision that face
Mocking my cries to a pillow named “why”
Mischief. Mayhem. Soap
Swerve, switch paths and go upstream.
Headlights piercing our eyes,
Shish kabobs come to mind.
Raining fear, sweating water, seeing life, while dead.
Blaring noise of caution, fading to your left, your right. Dead then…
Resurrected. Eyes intact. Dry. Alive.
Speeding mass is not meant to stop so quickly.
Crushed beer cans, trash compactors, Wrinkled metal.
Flipped pancakes, overturned cars, French chefs, pan in hand.
Rains pain, tears are spilled, blood rolls down their faces.
Smoke crawls towards the sky, the black rubber donuts still dancing in place, pirouettes eternal.
They have let go…for now.
I can’t let go…
You can’t let go…
We cAn’t leT go…
EverYthi ng
M ust
Co ntro lled
And perfect.
Each No and one every can single control aspect of this life thing must called b e life… controlled…
A Jumble Of Words?
Makes sense?
Is it life?
No. It’s writing, created from life.
Have you let go?
I don’t know. I didn’t know I had control in the first place…
Why don’t you take control?
Of what? Life? Can’t.
Don’t you see?
Be free. Let go. Live life…
Life is full of surprises…
Eat. Sleep. Live.
Look carefully, and you will find.
That life is full of surprises.
Just like this senseless stringing together of letters, sounds, pictures, and colors.
Everything’s got a place, a meaning, a reason.
Or does it?
Yes…I realize this is hard to read, hard to understand, but that is life, is it not?
Why..yes..yes it is…