Your serrated smile, and lethargic strokes, they stole my heart away

And now it beats an onomatopoeic “boom!”

I breathe ellipsis…I breathe ellipsis…

While our lines run

on – enjambment (say it with an accent – wrap it in a bracket)

while we – haltingly – respire so carefully

and watch for the pauses watch for the pauses to open our lungs wide to
stop our thought  process free carbon dioxide need need those pauses to
tell us its lunchtime to take those deep breaths to plunge in a second
time we need the pauses we need the pauses to look into your eyes to
sit back a moment and drink you up inside watch for the pauses to keep
ourselves alive to tell us to stop abruptly and force us to decide we
need the pauses we need the pauses watch for the pauses because we’re
starving and twisted and we need the pauses to, tell, us; to- “Boom!”,
just like clockwork –



breathe ellipsis…